A Century of Telemedicine:
Curatio Sine Distantia et Tempora A World Wide Overview – Part IV

The fourth volume of the series "A Century of Telemedicine. Curatio Sine Distantia et Tempora: A World Wide Overview" is in your hands.

The book presents a historical approach of Telemedicine and eHealth in the following countries– Armenia, Côte D’Ivoire, Pakistan, Tunisia and United Kingdom.

The book provides a glimpse and summarizes the best practical achievements, governmental policies, existing solutions and experiences in these countries. The goal is to share the information with international, other national and regional institutions and policy makers as well as with all groups and individuals involved with healthcare.

The text is available at https://www.isfteh.org/files/media/A_Century_of_Telemedicine_-_Part_IV.pdf and https://www.isfteh.org/media/category/telemedicine_ehealth_history

The series starts with the book "A Century of Telemedicine: Curatio Sine Distancia et Tempora", A. Vladzymyrskyy, M. Jordanova, F. Lievens, 2016, available at https://www.isfteh.org/files/media/Telemedicine_history_CD.pdf